There’s no doubt that Postman Pat was an absolute highlight from our ABC Kids-watching days. 

Betcha anything the theme tune is already stuck in your head (where it will remain until you die). 

The British stop-motion series featuring van-driving ranga Pat and his black and white cat Jess ran from 1981 until 2006. 

But there’s a popular fan theory floatin’ around the internet that’s almost guaranteed to change your entire perception of the show and its cheery protagonist. 

See, Twitter reckons that rather than simply tootling around in his van as the town of Greendale’s lovable, happy-go-lucky postman, old mate Pat was getting down to business on the side. 

confused the office GIF

Yep, many fans think the postman was a bit of a ladies’ man, who entered the homes of mail recipients for a little more than tea and cake, if you catch our drift. 

And believe it or not, there’s photographic(ish) evidence to back it up. 

The ever-popular postman is the only older red-headed male in town, and bears an uncannily strong resemblance to many of the children at the local school 

Thanks to Twitter, we’re now convinced that Pat The Playa has flooded Greendale with little red-headed, long-nosed offspring.

There’s no wonder Pat feels he’s a very happy man. 

kate mckinnon wink GIF by Saturday Night Live


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